Monday 29 August 2011

Flight to Dadaab Refugee Camp.

Day 3

Woke up early as usual to find my taxi driver waiting for me outside my hostel. My flight left at 9:30 from ALS Wilson Airport. I planned to get to the airport an hour before.... a little bit too early as I forgot how slow Kenya's airport systems worked.

Had lunch and then departed for Dadaab. The heat was exhaustingly humid, as you depart from the plane. From the flight you can barely see the whole camp but on the ground you are able to sense the amount of people coming in from Somalia.

Listing things that needed to be photographed, I found myself alone with no media around. Past photographers and journalists had left a day or two before, due to the Libya conflict rising in Tripoli.

Deciding to stay a few weeks, I settled in at the UNHCR compound and soon made friends with people who had been their for years. Updating my blog weekly from now because of internet and electricity availability.

Wish I owned one of theses charter airplanes myself or a camel at least. Dust and sand blows from the roads of Dadaab, as I boy crosses.


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